The Spazhead Obsession Webpage
Hullo, and welcome to the Obsessions Webpage for Spazheads.
I’m your creator, Altaris.
Yes, I have random pictures every spazhead like me should have.
I have, currently, a little collection of pictures I feel like getting
off my computer because I don’t have enough memory..
(Don’t get me started on my crappy computer)
Hopefully, I’ll be able to update this site in my spare time, (hahahahaha!) in the mean time, you’re just gonna hafta deal.
Here we have our Choices on what to do and where to go.
Lord of the Rings cast and movie Pictures.
Harry Potter Pictures cast and movie.
pictures of the cast and movie.
Star Wars (Original) movie
Random Doodles (good for profiles).
“What are we going to do tonight Bill Gates?”
“Same thing we try to do every night Hillary Clinton.”
“Um, should we really make that public?”
“WHAT? NO! No, not that.”
”Then what?”
Random Websites I’m amused by.
Obscure Lyrics to messed up songs
Hate Mail (not up yet)
(My Forum)
(If you’re at all intelligent or literal, this will completely blow your mind.)
Your Semi-Daily Comic (by Ele!)
(awaiting the artist's muse)
Vicki’s Secret
( The Geek Store, For Geeks, By REAL Geeks.)
<insert Binary Here>
And (theoretically) more to come!
(That’s me)
Anyone know how I can get rid of Windows 666?
And this is it Auntie Em!
You are the
person to come here.
Search for the adventures of Psycho Chicken and Frederick the Freaky Frog. Can you follow it? Cause no one else can.
Coming soon- So soon, it's here! It's the Adventures of ChickenGuy! Ooops, my bad. That’s "Chick and Guy!"